Monday, March 09, 2009

So it snowed after all

We didn't get the accumulation our friends in the Puyallup Valley enjoyed, but we sure did get some blow! My daughter tells me that it was snowing this morning when she woke up and my friend, a scant fifteen miles away down the bay, reports that it is currently snowing there as well. March in the PNW. Yay.

Yesterday, despite the weather, was enormously productive. I made gallons and gallons of soup, all of it organic and a good bit of it from our frozen garden stores. I read "vegetable" one too many times in my garden planning and that brought it on. What better go with head colds and snow outside than bowls of steaming soup? So we ate potato-leek and hearty vegetable, and were able to put away a lot of that for future, easy meals. The work we have been laying down is starting to come back to us. These weren't skimpy or desperate meals, but they both came from what we had put by. It felt good.

Lunch, as it happens, involved sprouts on sandwiches as well. My batch of sprouts this week was a bit ....large.... so I was happy the kids were enjoying eating them!

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