Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sunflower House / Crop

We have sunflowers growing in three different spots in the yard. We'd lost half the sunflower house to slugs, so we had to replant. But those that lived are flowering now. Lots of sunflower seeds for us this autumn, we hope!


  1. Very pretty! I just love sunflowers! I keep wishing I had a flower share at the farm so I could go pick some of their gorgeous ones. You are lucky to have a spot for them in your yard. Hope to see/chat with ya soon

  2. drats

    tricksey slugs. I think they ate one of your century plants here.

  3. Slugs... again Tell me what their purpose is?? *Shudder*
    Very pretty sunflowers though.. Maybe make a ring of salt around the sunflowers so the slugs will nto assault them anymore!

  4. Lory, thank you... Those are beautiful and its so nice to see G enjoying them. I am so mad that I didn't go ahead and plant my garden... I think if we are still here in sept I will plant something.

  5. Ooooh, it looks great! I told staircrashermama about the sunflower house and she thinks it is pretty much the best gardening-with-kids idea EVER.

    I so shoulda tried that, but the slugs would probably have destroyed mine completely. And I'll admit you told me about it and I couldn't quite envision it until I saw it.

  6. How cool! What a fun thing to do every year! Send me some of those seeds! :)
