Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Probably not a word you'd expect to see on my blog. I would have taken pictures, but they ate the productl.

During our run to T-town, I knew I wouldn't be cooking when we got home, so I picked up some individual boboli crusts and sauce packets from the bread store. We came in and I set to shredding mozzarella. The kids were thrilled with a "project" done so swiftly. While we make pizza fairly often, we usually have to wait for the dough to rise, etc. This time, I only had cheese and sauce to offer so the kids decided they wanted more topping.

"What would you like?" I asked, open to anything at that point.

N-man decided he wanted shredded carrots, because he'd seen that on a show. So we shredded a carrot and he AND our picky, picky daughter put that on their pizza. Then she piped up and suggested I chiffonade some spinach for their toppings. I admit that I was agog at this point, pretty surprised and fully prepared to gloat to anyone who would listen. Yet when I put goat cheese on mine, and they followed suit I about fell off my chair.

YAY! Finally! Wheeeee! Are their palates catching up?

Yes, you cynic, I know what you're thinking. Yes, you over there, I hear you!

They DID eat it, vegetables and all! Although G-girl did go on and on and on about how she was briefly worried while hers baked that she wouldn't like it after all. She is a strictly raw-vegetable kind of girl, unless it's a green bean and she is wielding a chopstick. "You can't even TASTE the vegetables! This is SO GOOD!"

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun!!!! I used to make Boboli pizza's all the time long ago. My picky eater at almost 11 is just allowing some food tries! OY!
